Rear view mirrors are an essential component of any vehicle, providing crucial visibility of the traffic behind you. However, many drivers overlook the importance of properly adjusting their rear view mirrors. Properly Adjust Side Rear View Mirrors. In this article, we will discuss the significance of rear view mirrors and provide step-by-step instructions on how to adjust them correctly for optimal visibility and safety.

Before diving into the adjustment process, let’s understand why rear view mirrors are so important. Rear view mirrors allow drivers to have a clear view of the road behind them, enhancing situational awareness and minimizing blind spots. By using the rear view mirrors effectively, drivers can make informed decisions while changing lanes, merging, or reversing their vehicles. It is crucial to ensure that your rear view mirror is correctly positioned to maximize its effectiveness.

You, your passengers, and other drivers can all benefit from properly adjusted rearview mirrors. It’s important to adjust your rearview mirrors so that you can see everything behind you. A blind spot is an area around a car that the driver can’t see clearly from the driver’s seat. The A-pillar, the side-view mirror, and the inside rear-view mirror can all obstruct the driver’s line of sight, causing blind spots in the front of the vehicle. Reduced rearward view could also be caused by headrests and extra pillars located directly behind the driver. By reducing or eliminating blind zones and making it simpler to move lanes quickly, properly positioned rearview mirrors could save a great number of collisions. Properly Adjust Side Rear View Mirrors.

Proper Positioning of the Rear View Mirror

Adjusting the Rear View Mirror for Proper Field of View

To adjust your rear view mirror for a proper field of view, follow these steps:

  • Sit in the driver’s seat and adjust your seat position to a comfortable driving position.
  • Locate the rear view mirror in your vehicle. It is usually positioned on the windshield, above the center console.
  • Hold the rear view mirror with one hand and use the other hand to tilt it up or down.
  • Tilt the mirror until you can see the entire rear window of your vehicle.

Properly Adjust Side Rear View Mirrors

Properly Adjust Side Rear View Mirrors


Finding the Correct Position

Finding the correct position for your rear view mirror involves experimentation. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Start by adjusting the mirror to the center position, aligning it with the rear window.
  • Lean your head against the window and adjust the mirror until you can see the entire rear window clearly without moving your head.
  • Ensure that you have a clear, unobstructed view of the traffic behind you.
  • Adjusting the Mirror Angle
  • Once you have found the correct position, adjust the mirror angle to eliminate blind spots:
  • Angle the mirror slightly outward so that you can see the sides of your vehicle in the mirror.
  • This adjustment helps to minimize blind spots and improves your overall field of view.

Adjusting the Rear View Mirror for Different Situations

Apart from the standard adjustment, certain situations require additional modifications to the rear view mirror position:

Nighttime Driving

Driving at night poses unique challenges due to reduced visibility. To adjust the rear view mirror for nighttime driving:

  • Locate the lever or switch near the rear view mirror.
  • Toggle the lever or switch to activate the night mode or dimming feature.
  • This adjustment reduces the glare from headlights behind you, providing a clearer view.

Towing or Carrying Cargo

When towing a trailer or carrying cargo, it is essential to adjust your rear view mirror to account for the increased length or width of your vehicle. Follow these steps:

Extend the rear view mirror outward to expand your field of view.

This adjustment allows you to monitor the trailer or cargo and maintain awareness of vehicles around you.

Minimizing Blind Spots

Blind spots can be dangerous, as they limit your visibility of nearby vehicles. To minimize blind spots:

  • Consider using additional mirrors such as blind spot mirrors or wide-angle mirrors.
  • These mirrors can be attached to the existing rear view mirror or side mirrors, expanding your field of view and reducing blind spots.

Tips for Ensuring Optimal Rear View Mirror Usage

To maximize the effectiveness of your rear view mirror, consider the following tips:

Regular Mirror Cleaning

Keep your rear view mirror clean and free from dirt, dust, and smudges. A dirty mirror can obscure your view and reduce visibility.

Eliminating Distractions

Avoid placing objects or accessories on or around the rear view mirror that could distract you while driving. This includes air fresheners, decorations, or electronic devices.

Using Additional Mirrors

If you find it challenging to monitor blind spots or need a wider field of view, consider using additional mirrors such as convex mirrors or panoramic mirrors. These mirrors provide a broader perspective, improving your overall situational awareness.

Properly Adjust Side Rear View Mirrors

Setting up the Rearview Mirror

Due to the smooth surface of the mirror, the distances of objects in your rearview are accurately reflect. The proper way to adjust the rearview mirror inside the vehicle is as follows: Maintaining your usual driving stance, use your left hand to grab the mirror’s plastic frame and adjust it so that you can see the full back window and as little of the car’s interior as possible. The rear window should be “framed” in the rearview mirror.

Setting up the Rearview Mirror

Mirror Instructions for the Outside Right Door

If you’re already in your driving seat, you may just adjust the right wing mirror so that the horizon is dead centre. Make sure the left end of the mirror only reflects a tiny section of the vehicle’s side. With this, you’ll have a better view of what’s happening on the road behind you. It is imperative that the mirrors be set when in the driving position, after the seats have been properly adjusted.

Mirror Instructions for the Outside Right Door

Positioning the Left-Side Door Mirror

When you are comfortable in the driver’s seat, adjust the left wing mirror in the same way you did the right. If you want a better view of the kerb while making turns or reversing, you can adjust the mirrors so that the left one is lower than the right one. Set the mirror so that you can see the horizon well but not so low that you can’t see the road ahead (horizon).

Positioning the Left-Side Door Mirror




Properly adjusting the rear view mirror is crucial for ensuring optimal visibility and safety while driving. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this article, you can position your rear view mirror correctly, minimize blind spots, and enhance your situational awareness. Remember to adjust the mirror for different driving situations and consider using additional mirrors when necessary. Stay vigilant and make the most of your rear view mirror to drive safely on the road.


Can I use my rear view mirror to replace side mirrors?

No, the rear view mirror is not a substitute for side mirrors. It provides a view of the traffic behind you, while side mirrors offer a wider field of view, including blind spots.

Should I adjust my rear view mirror while driving?

No, it is not recommended to adjust your rear view mirror while driving. Find a safe location to pull over and make the necessary adjustments.

How often should I clean my rear view mirror?

It is advisable to clean your rear view mirror regularly, ideally along with your other car maintenance routines. Keep it clean to ensure clear visibility.

Can I use an auto-dimming rear view mirror during the day?

Yes, auto-dimming rear view mirrors are designed to adjust to different lighting conditions, providing optimal visibility both during the day and at night.

Are there any legal requirements for rear view mirrors?

Yes, each jurisdiction may have specific regulations regarding the number and positioning of rear view mirrors. It is essential to comply with the applicable laws in your region.

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