All the information you need to buy a John Deere 6J series tractor in Pakistan is provided by Farm Dynamics Pakistan, including the latest pricing, detailed product information, and a list of John Deere, an American manufacturer of tractors, is expanding into the Pakistani agricultural market by way of export. John Deere tractors are now available in Pakistan thanks to Farm Dynamics Pakistan (FDP), an official distributor. John Deere 6J series tractors with horsepower ranging from 165 to 210 have just been introduced to Pakistan by the FDP Corporation. If you’re a farmer with a family and you’ve been looking for a robust tool for your farm, you’ll be happy to know that there is one on the market right now.

John Deere

The Farm Dynamics Pakistan (FDP) was founded in 2010 to serve as Pakistan’s sole authorised importer of foreign-made tractors. The FDP has agreed to bring John Deere machinery into Pakistan. They are now routinely importing the trucks, so if you are interested in purchasing an item that is not currently in stock, you should get in touch with them. And you’re told that farmers can more easily acquire the things that are literally on store shelves. You’ll find a detailed price and feature breakdown, as well as where to buy a John Deere 6J tractor in Pakistan, below.

John Deere 6j Series Tractor In Pakistan

  • John Deere 6155J
  • John Deere 6165J
  • John Deere 6185J
  • John Deere 6210J

John Deere 6j Specifications 

Manufacturer John Deere
Pated Power 165
Engine Speed 2100
Torque Rise 28%
Cooling System Dual temperature cooling system
Transmission Power Quad
Type Partial power shift
Gears 16
Forward and Reverse Transmission Hydraulic power reverser
Engine Horsepower 155 HP
Displacement 6.5 L


What is the price of 65hp tractor?

In Pakistan, one can purchase an Al Ghazi Tractor 65 HP for PKR 1,756,000.

Which John Deere tractor model is best?

  • John deere 5310 Gear Pro 4 WD (Trem IV).
  • John deere 5050 4WD.
  • John deere 5105 4WD.

What is the price of 2023 model tractor?

However, the price range for an Al Ghazi tractor in Pakistan in 2023 is between PKR 1,528,000 and PKR 3,073,000.

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